Parcel Shops finder

It is possible to offer your customer the possibility to let the shipment be delivered on a parcel shop. In order to find the closest parcel shop, you should use this endpoint, as you need the ID of the parcel shop when creating a shipment.

Get the parcel shops

To get the closest parcel shops, you should make the following request

$ curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d $'{
  "country": "NL",
  "street_line_1": "Wiltonstraat",
  "city": "Veenendaal",
  "number_line_1": "41",
  "products": [

Request values

Field Type Description
street_line_1 string The street name of the address
number_line_1 string The house number of the address
zip_code string The postal code of the address
city string The city of the address
country string The country code of the address. This field is always required.
limit int The amount of parcel shops you’d like to receive. If this field is not included, it defaults to 5.
products array Which carriers you’d like the parcel shops of. Currently only DPD and DHL are supported.
latitude float The latitude of the address
longitude float The longitude of the address

Note that not all fields are required. When you already have the latitude and the longitude off the address, you don’t have to include the street_line_1, number_line_1, zip_code and city fields.

The field for zip code is only required if you don’t include street_line_1, number_line_1 and city in the request.

Response values

The response will be like this (shortened for readability):

Field Description
parcelshops Holds the parcelshops seperated by carrier. (DPD or DHL)
id The id of the parcel shop. You will need this when creating a shipment.
name The name of the parcel shop.
street The street of the parcel shop.
house_number The house number of the parcel shop.
country The country code of the parcel shop.
zip_code The zip code of the parcel shop
city The city of the parcel shop
longitude The longitude of the parcel shop. This can be used to place the parcel shops on a map.
latitude The latitude of the parcel shop. This can be used to place the parcel shops on a map.
opening_hours An array with the opening hours of the parcel shop. Each day the shop is open, is listed as an item in this array. If a day misses, you can safely assume the shop is’nt open on that day.

Error codes

Code Cause
401 The supplied API token is incorrect

Example in PHP with Guzzle


use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$client = new Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'headers' => [
        'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'query' => ['api_token' => 'YourAPIToken'],

$response = $client->post(
        'form_params' => [
            'zip_code' => '3905KW',
            'street_line_1' => 'Wiltonstraat',
            'number_line_1' => '41',
            'country' => 'NL',
            'city' => 'Veenendaal',
            'products' => ['DPD', 'DHL'],