
Create a shipment

To create a shipment, you should make the following request:

 curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "product": "DPD",
  "service": "DPD_HOME_DROP_OFF",
  "amount": 1,
  "reference": "Shipment reference",
  "company_name": "KeenDelivery",
  "contact_person": "John Doe",
  "street_line_1": "Wiltonstraat",
  "number_line_1": "41",
  "number_line_1_addition": "",
  "zip_code": "3905 KW",
  "city": "Veenendaal",
  "country": "NL",
  "phone": "0318-513813",
  "email": ""
  "comment": "This is a comment",
  "predict": 1,
  "weight": 1

Request values

Field Type Description
product string The shipment to be used. Possible values can be found on shipping_methods.
service string The service to be used. Possible values can be found on shipping_methods.
amount int The amount of parcels of this shipment
reference string Your own reference of the shipment
company_name string The company name of the addressee
contact_person string The name of the addressee
street_line_1 string The street of the addressee
number_line_1 string The house number of the addressee
number_line_1_addition string The addition of the house number of the addressee
zip_code string The postal code of the addressee
city string The city of the addressee
country string The country code of the addressee in ISO-3166-1 format
phone string The phone number of the addressee
email string The e-mail address of the addressee
comment string A comment of the address. Will be used as second address line on the label if possible.
weight int The weight of the parcel in kilograms. Must be entered as an integer.

Besides these request values, other field must be supplied to the request according the response of the shipping_methods endpoint. In the example above you can see that the field predict is included. This field is a required field for this specific service, as you can see in the example response of the shipping_methods endpoint.

Response values

The response wil be like this (shortened for readability):

  "shipment_id": 12345678,
  "label": "",
  "track_and_trace": {
    "09988914957226": "https:\/\/\/parcelstatus?locale=nl_NL&query=09988914957226"
Property Description
shipment_id The id of the generated shipment.
label A base64 encoded string of the label in the requested format
track_and_trace List of parcel numbers with the corresponding links to the track and trace page

Error codes

Code Cause
401 The supplied API token is incorrect
422 Something is wrong with the request. The errors are returned in the response body as a JSON object

Example in PHP with Guzzle


use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$client = new Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'headers' => [
        'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'query' => ['api_token' => KEENDELIVERY_API_TOKEN],

$response = $client->post(
        'body' => [
            "company_name"=> "KeenDelivery",
            "street_line_1"=> "Wiltonstraat",
            "number_line_1"=> "41",
            "number_line_1_addition"=> "",
            "zip_code"=> "3905 KW",
            "city"=> "Veenendaal",
            "country"=> "NL",
            "contact_person"=> "John Doe",
            "phone"=> "0318-513813",
            "comment"=> "This is a comment",
            "email"=> "",
            "reference"=> "Referentie",
            "product"=> "DPD",
            "service"=> "DPD_HOME_DROP_OFF",
            "amount"=> 1,
            "weight"=> 1,
            "predict"=> 1,